Himalayan MTB Enduro Adventure

March 25th - April 4th, 2025

🥾 Group size: 8 - 12


(10% Early Bird discount with Code EARLYBIRD10 valid until July 31st 2024)

Includes all internal flights, accommodation and meals.

🥾Deposit: USD$250 to secure your spot (only 12 available)

🥾Training and tips from Matt prior to visiting Nepal and he will accompany the trip

🥾Duration: 11 days

🥾Book Securely through We Travel

🥾Flexible Payment Options Available

About this trip

Breathe. Breathe deeply. 

Scan the landscape. 

8000m peak to 800m valley floor. 

A twisting ribbon of trail leading the eye. 

Downshift and drop into the revered landscapes of the tallest mountain range on earth. 

Epic Himalaya MTB Enduro Adventure aims to blend the full-body adrenaline stoke, sweat and strain of all-action enduro gravity riding with restful downtime for acclimatisation, cultural experiences, reflection & relaxation. 

An all inclusive, life-expanding adventure, riding bikes with old & new friends on the roof of the world.  

Breathe deeply.

Check the calendar.

Read on to learn more about the trip of a lifetime.  


Day 1 (25.3.25) Arrive in Kathmandu, Nepal

Welcome to Nepal! Here, you willfind more than 8 peaks that soar over 8000 meters high, including the famous Mount Everest, which sits at the top of the world. Nepal is also where Buddhism originated, it is a federal deomcratic republic, secular country known for its warm hospitality and as a safe and enchanting country filled adventure activities hub with thrilling outdoor experiences.

Upon your arrival at Tribhuwan International Airport, our team crew will be there to warmly welcome you. From there, you will be transferred to domestic terminal then fly to Pokhara.

We will receive you at Pokhara Airport and take you to a 3star level hotel in Pokhara close to the Lakeside. After reaching in Pokhara, we will be checking our bikes or meeting crew 


Internal Flight to Pokhara - including bikes

Accommodation in PoKhara

Evening meal

Day 2 (26.3.25) Riding in Pokhara

Today after the breakfast, we will check the bikes, meet the biking team crew and start biking.

Pokhara is known as the capital of mountain tourism, serving as the starting point for many famous trekking and mountain biking adventures. From the legendary Annapurna Circuit to the breathtaking Dolpo trek, and from the mysterious Upper Mustang to the iconic

Annapurna Base Camp,is no shortage of incredible destinations to explore.

For our journey, well be hitting the biking trails of Pokhara, making use of Jeep shuttles for thrilling enduro downhill biking. We can take on exciting routes like Sarankot downhill, Kristy downhill, or Methanlg downhill, all within the stunning Pokhara Valley.

Biking distance: 30 to 35 Km

Biking hours: 3 to 4 hours

Physically: moderate

Technically: moderate

Accommodation in Pokhara

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & dinner

Day 3 (27.3.25) Cable Car lift up and Jeep Enduro shuttles ride in Pokhara

Today is our second day of Enduro mountain biking bliss in Pokhara! We are revving up for an adrenaline-pumping adventure, ready to conquer the rugged terrain with our trusty riding.

Our journey begins with an exhilarating chair lift on the Annapurna cable car, soaring high above the Fewa Lake and surrounding hills and mountains.After landing at Sarankot we will be riding downhill to Sedi or Pame villages.

Once we touch down, we’ll hop onto our Jeep shuttles, gearing up for some serious shredding on the challenging Enduro trails of Pokhara Valley. With every twist and turn, we navigate through technical sections, tackle rocky descents, and conquer steep inclines, all while soaking in the breathtaking scenery around us.

After an epic day of riding, pushing our limits and perfect for our skills, well bid farewell to our bikes as we prepare for the next leg of our adventure. Tonight, our bikes will embark on their own journey to Jomsom, eagerly awaiting the spectacular Himalayan biking that awaits us in Mustang. Get ready for an unforgettable mountain  biking ride of a must do lifetime journey to the Himalayas on your mountain biking holiday in Nepal.

Biking distance: 25 to 35 Km

Biking hours: 3 to 4 hours

Physically: moderate

Technically: moderate

Accommodation in Pokhara

Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner

Day 4 (28.3.25) Flight from Pokhara to Jomsom - Mustang

Today, we starting our journey with a morning mountain flight (included) from Pokhara to Jomsom, In Lower Mustang

aboard Tara Airline or Summit Airlines Twin Otter aircraft. Get ready for an exciting ride as we glide amidst the towering peaks of Dhaulagiri and Annapurna I, treating you to stunning views that will leave you in awe.

Touching down at Jomsom Airport, nestled amidst the majestic Himalayan mountains, get ready to be enchanted by the beauty of Mustang. Today is all about acclimatization, so we'll take it easy, enjoying leisurely bike rides and shuttle transfers.

After a hearty breakfast on the lap of Nilgiri and Dhaulagiri Mountains, we'll set on a scenic MTB exploration, either heading to Windy Pass hike and bike or cruising along the tranquil Kali Gandaki River valley. Depending on everyone preferences, well have the option to tackle one or two thrilling Enduro shuttle rides, all while respecting the delicate balance of nature to get acclimatization.

Biking distance: 15 to 20 Km

Biking hours: 3 to 4 hours

Physically: moderate

Technically: moderate

Accommodation: Included

Meals: Breakfast, lunch & dinner

Day 5 (29.3.25) Jeep shuttle to Muktinath and down to Kagbeni via Jhong Lupra

You are about to experience the ultimate mountain biking adventure in Mustang, the go-to spot for biking enthusiasts in Nepal! This is where you;ll find the most thrilling enduro downhill rides and the best Himalayan single tracks for all-mountain biking. Well have the opportunity to ride 2 to 3 or even 4 shuttles, depending on what the group wants and their level of interest in biking.

After a day filled with exciting rides, we'll be spending the night at a cozy Mountain lodge in Muktinath, surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of the Himalayas.

Biking distance: 25 to 30Km

Biking hours: 3 to 4 hours

Physically: moderate

Technically: moderate

Accommodation: Included

Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Day 6 (30.3.25) Phedi even up to Thorong-La (5416m) and ride down to Muktinath(3750m)

Today is shaping up to be an exciting and fulfilling day as we embark on our journey to Thorong-La Phedi, or perhaps even all the way to the top, depending on what everyone feels like doing. We'll spend around 2 to 3 hours riding or hiking to Phedi, or if we are feeling adventurous, we can tackle the 6-hour hike to reach the summit. Then, it's time for the thrilling ride down to Muktinath.

For those who prefer, we also have the option to use horses to carry our bikes. Whether you are aiming for the summit, prefer to hike halfway to Thorong-La, or just want to explore Phedi and ride down to Muktinath Temple and Rani Pauwa village in Lower Mustang, you have the freedom to choose what suits you best.

Tonight, we'll be resting our weary bodies in Muktinath, finding comfort in a cozy local guest house or a welcoming tea house at Rani Pauwa village.

Biking distance: 25 to 30 Km

Biking hours: 6 to 8 hours

Physically: Challenging

Technically: Challenging

Accommodation:  Included

Meals: Breakfast, lunch & dinner

Day 7 (31.3.25) Muktinath to Marpha via Lupra and Thini village view point

Get ready for another fantastic day filled with thrilling biking adventures! Well start our journey on the amazing single track from Lupra to Eklebhatti, enjoying the scenic viewsalong the way. From there, well ride to the top of Thini village, reaching the breathtaking Yharu Zho viewpoint at 3750 meters with the help of shuttles. After soaking in the stunning vistas, its time to shred down the best single track all the way to Jomsom, passing by Dhuma Lake.

Our next stop is Marpha village, where well spend the night in the cozy mountain lodgecalled Marpha Palace. This village is not only beautiful but also rich in history, with unique architecture that reflects the traditions of the Thakali, Mountain Sherpa, and Gurung communities. Get ready to immerse yourself in the charm of this ancient village as we continue our biking adventure!

Biking distance: 32 to 36 Km

Biking hours: 3 to 4 hours

Physically: moderate/challenging

Technically: moderate/challenging

Accommodation: Included

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & dinner

Day 8 (1.4.25) Marpha to Kalopani

Get ready for an alpine section of biking adventure! Today, we'll start by hitting the thrilling single tracks with a Jeep shuttle from Nyarikot pine forest. Aso, we will add another trails call Titi Lake, Larjung viallage, Thashang trails then ride through Lete and Kalopani pine forest trails, soaking in the beauty all around us. We will be staying in a one of the best and scenic location at Kalopani which is known as Nepalese Alpine territory for biking in a unreal location.

Biking distance: 30 to 35 Km

Biking hours: 4 to 5 hours

Physically: moderate

Technically: moderate

Accommodation included

Breakfast, lunch & dinner

Day 9 (2.4.25) Kalopani to Beni then drive to Naudana and ride to Pokhara

We will start our ride from Kalopani, navigating through the best single tracks in alpine forest. Then, we will head towards Ghasa. From there, we will follow the dirtroad through the worlds deepest gorge. Along the way, we will stop to admire the breathtaking Rupse waterfall, which originates from Mount Dhaulagiri.Next, we will continue to Tatopani, where we can enjoy a natural hot spring pond to revitalize our bodies. After that, we will proceed to Galeshwor. During our journey, we will ride through mid-hills and visit Gurung and Magar villages. We will have the chance to meet school children, villagers, farmers, and pilgrims. We may encounter jeeps and buses where there are no side trails. Once we arrive in Beni, our vehicle will be waiting to take us to Naudanda. Fromthere, we will ride to Pokhara and stay overnight in Pokhara.

Accommodation included

Breakfast, lunch and dinner

Day 10 (3.4.25) Pokhara sunrise, Hike and yoga celebration day

Today marks the end of our riding adventure, but don't worry, we still have somethingspecial planned for you! In the morning, well head to Sarankot viewpoint for a breathtaking sunrise experience. This spot is famous for its stunning sunrise views, where you can see the golden peaks of Fishtail, Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, and Manaslu glowing in the morning sunlight. It's a truly magical experience!

After enjoying the sunrise, well have breakfast at a nearby restaurant before embarking on a hike down to Methang village. There, well take part in a relaxing yoga session to stretch our bodies and find inner peace. After a few hours of yoga, you'll feel refreshed and ready to head back home.

Tonight, sleep well and dream of sharing your incredible experiences with friends and family back home. This biking trip has been unlike anything you've ever experienced before, and the memories you've made will stay with you forever. Be proud of yourself for the achievements and unforgettable moments you've created during this extraordinary mountain biking holiday in Pokhara, Mustang &  Nepal.

Day 11 (4.4.25) Fly Back to Kathmandu

Its time to head back home after an amazing 11-day adventure! Well fly from Pokhara to Kathmandu (with your bike)and then onward to our homes, carrying with us all the incredible memories we've made. If youre not quite ready to say goodbye, you can always extend your trip and stay in Kathmandu


Have some questions about this trip! Book a call with Matt.